Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Exhibition of educational centres from Greece, Latvia and Lithuania.
Exhibition of student's works from El Canario Primary School
Tuesday, 27 May 2008

In literature he was helped by his brother Claudio de la Torre,
who was a novelist and dramaturge in that epoch. He won a National of Literature Prize, especially like an actress in theatre sessions which were organized in her family’s house and directed by his brother.
In twenties, he travelled to Madrid and she met different writers of the capital of Spain. There, she had relations with Pedro Salinas, Lorca, Alberti and other intellectuals in Students Residence (Madrid). She received a large influence from writers belongs to 27 Generation.
In this important year (1927) she published his first book of poems, titled “Versos y Estampas” with a prologue written by Pedro Salinas, his teacher. Later, she wrote “Poemas en la isla”. During the large period governed by Franco, she only published a book of verses. However, she writes some novels of commercial style and she worked like a cinema and theatre actress.
After Spanish Civil War and when she lived in Madrid again. She worked with María Guerrero in his theatre company. Later, she formed her own comedian company. Finally, Josefina said goodbye with a Spanish TV film “Anillos de oro”. She died in Madrid in 2002.

He got “La Cruz Laureada” of San Fernando for his good action.
Later, he had different destinations in the peninsula, Santo Domingo and Cuba until he left the army for his opposition to the executions of students in 1871.
During the first Spanish republic was a Member of Parliament, Civil Government in Madrid and Minister of the War in Pi and Maragall government.
His life and his work were in order to defend his ideas and he was worried about the union between Canary Islands. Later, he was deported and exiled and then, he lived in Portugal, Cuba and France.
From 1903 to 1905, he was Member of Parliament again. Also, he developed a large literary activity over all like a poet.
He died in Paris in August of 1921.

When he finished his studies, he travelled to Madrid to study Philosophy and letters but he couldn’t it because the Civil Spanish War started.
In 1929 he published his first poem “El barco muerto” in a newspaper named “La voz obrera” and in 1932, he came in Communist group. Later, he participated in the War and finally, he stayed in Lanzarote.
Millares became a very important social lyric poet. His poetry against the politic system and the oppression was a constant shout to freedom.
In 1958, he carried the bibliography section of the Canary museum magazine. In 1982, he published “Andén Verde”, “Tierra Verde” y “Tierra batida” (1986), “Más lejos que yo amargo” (1987) and his last work “Metamorfosis de la estrella” (1988).
In 1985, the Canary Government gives him the prize of Canary literature.
Agustín Millares died in Las Palmas on March 6th of 1089.

He got married and he had four children. He loved literature and chess. He was a good impresser, editor, actor and Director of Insular Theatre. He graduated in Philosophy and Letters, and in 1984, he obtains the prize of “Canarias” of Literature.
From his work in prose, it’s very important “La maleta del Sur” (1956), Desconfianza (1945) Diario de una mosca (1994), “Cuentos sin geografía y otras narraciones” (1968).
From this poetic work perhaps the most important are “La maleta” y “Consejo de Paz”.
Other works are “Cinco poemas (1944) y “Romancero canario”(1946), “Paloma o herramienta” (1989) y “Romance del tiempo” (1950).
As a politic, he was regional member of parliament, President of Insular Town in Gran Canaria and Councillor of education.
He died on September 10th, 2002 in Las Palmas when he was 82 years old.

He studied medicine in Cádiz, then he finished to studies in Madrid where he wrote his first verses and he met other famous authors in those moments: Díez Canedo, Salvador Rueda, González Blano, Salvador Rueda wrote the prologue of his first poetic book “ poemas de gloria, del amor y del mar” edited in 1908- From this moment, Tomás Morales continued writing verses and he became one of he best members of Modernism.
When he finished his studies, Tomás Morales starts to work in Agaete, there he get married with Leonor Ramos de Armas and received to his friends in his house: Poets, artists, actors, and journalists visited to Tomás Morales and spend a nice time: Néstor, Claudio de la Torre, Saulo Torón, Alonso Quesada, Rafael Cabrera, Colacho Massieu and luis Doreste Silva.
The last days of his life, Tomás Morales spent his time in Las Palmas working like a doctor. He was vicepresident of Insular Council. He died He died on 15th August 1921 when he was only 36 years old.

He worked in PSOE. After, military coup García Cabrera was caught, imprisoned and deported to África until 1945. Later, he came back to Santa Cruz. His poetic work grows up and he published again from fifties. In his last books, his poetry has a social and solidarity character.
He died in Santa Lucía of Tenerife in 1981.

She won some prizes and an accesit for her stories and poems. In her work, it´s very important books like “Poesía ignorada” (1950) “Aconsejo beber hilo” (1954) and “Poeta de Guardia” (1980).
Gloria Fuertes died in Madrid on 27Th of November in 1998.
Miss Pito Piturra
Miss Pito Piturra
has a pair of gloves,
Miss Pito Piturra
very fashionables.
Miss Pito Piturra
has a hat,
Miss Pito Piturra
with a feather duster.
Miss Pito Piturra
has a shoe,
Miss Pito Piturra
It fits her Wide.
Miss Pito Piturra
has shawls,
Miss Pito Piturra
with three moths.
Miss Pito Piturra
has a pair of gloves,
Miss Pito Piturra
very larges.
Miss Pito Piturra
has a pair of gloves,
Miss Pito Piturra
I’ve said it before!
The birds haven’t got teeth,
with the peaks them enough.
The birds catch fishes
without net or cane.
The birds, like the angels,
have wings.
The birds are artists
when they sing.
The birds paint the air
in the morning.
At night
they are musicians asleep
in the branches.
It’s a pity to see a bird in the cage.
How to Draw a Child
To draw a child,
we must do it with love.
Draw him a long fringe,
eating a wafer,
a lot of freckles on his face,
to let us know he is naugthy,
let’s continue the picture:
cheese round face.
Because he is a trendy boy,
drinks syrup with soda water.
Wears a pair of jeans
with a beautiful hole;
and a little corduroy flat cap.
Football boots,
at shooting, he is an artist.
He is laughing all the time,
because he is very intelligent,
a tale under his arm,
that’s why he is having fun.
To draw a child,
we must do it with love.

Later, he published some poems in Orihuela newspaper and El Gallo Crisis magazine. In 1933, his first book appeared: Perito en lunas.
In 1934 he transferred to Madrid some difficulties. In 1935, he published “El rayo que no cesa”, integrated by written sonnets following the classic forms of the Gold Century.
When the Civil War began, Hernández, affiliated to the communist group of Spain and he came in the republican army.
During the War, his poetic production had a politic character, like “Viento del pueblo” published in 1937. This same year, he got married with Josefina Manresa and participated in activities of…

This author belongs to literate movement known as Generation of 98. Probably, he is one of poet who everybody reads nowadays.
In 1893, he published his first text in prose while his first poems appeared in 1901.
He travelled to Paris in 1899, town which he visited in 1902 again. In this year, he met Rubén Darío, who was his best friend. In the same date, he met Unamuno, Valle-Inclán, Juan Ramón Jiménez… in Madrid.
He was chosen member of Real Spanish Language Academic.
The sun is a fire balloon.
the moon is a purple disc.
A white dove stays
at the centenarian cypress.
The pictures of myrtles
look powdered.
A quiet garden and a quiet afternoon!
Water sounds in a marble fountain.

He learnt popular songs and since he was a child he was interested in romantic and classic literature.
Theatre was one of his favourite affection and he liked to act and to rehearsal theatre performances for his family and his friends. He loved puppets.
Lorca realized a travel around Spain between 1916 and 1917 with his teacher and other partners.
He met Antonio Machado in Baeza during this travel. His first book, “impressions and landscape” (1918), describing four travels. When he came back, Lorca left his studies of music and began to write poetry. He met the compositor Manuel Falla in 1917.
In 1919, Lorca went to Madrid in 1919 and he installed in the Students Residence, where he lived in 1928. He wears for the first time a theatre show: “El maleficio de la mariposa” in Madrid in 1920. The work failed. He continued to write poetry and he published in 1921”Book of poem”. This year, he started to write “Poema del cante jondo”.
In 1922, he organized with Manuel Falla “La fiesta del cante jondo”. It was celebrated in Granada.
He was killed in Fuente Vaqueros in August 1936 for his politic ideas and for his sexual condition.
Señorita of the Fan
The señorita
of the fan
goes over the bridge,
over the cool river.
The gentlemen
in their waistcoats
look at the little bridge
without railings.
The señorita
of the fan,
with skirts a-flying,
is seeking a husband.
The gentlemen
are already married
to tall blond ladies
of the white language.
Crickets are singing
in the west.
(The señorita
walks through the greenery.)
Crickets are singing
under the flowers.
(The gentlemen
go towards the north.)
The mistaken afternoon
was dressed in cold.
Behind the murky windowpanes
all the children watch
a yellow tree change
into birds.
The afternoon stretches out
along the river.
And a blush of apple
trembles in the roof tiles.
A Song Sung
In cold gray
the Griffon bird
was clothed in gray.
And there from little Kikiriki
whiteness and shape
were taken away.
To enter cold gray
I painted myself gray.
And how I sparkled
in the cold gray!
They have brought me a snail.
Inside it sings
a map-green ocean.
My heart
swells with water,
with small fish,
silvery, shadowy.
They have brought me a snail.
The Lizard is Crying!
Mr. Lizard is crying.
Mrs. Lizard is crying.
Mr. and Mrs. Lizard
in little white aprons.
Have gone and lost
their wedding ring.
Ah, their little leaden wedding ring,
ah, their little ring of lead!
A large sky without people
carries the birds in its balloon.
The sun, rotund captain,
wears a satin waistcoat.
Look how old they are!
How old the lizards are!
Oh, how they cry and cry,
Oh! Oh! How they go on crying!
A Little Song from Seville
Dawn is awakening
in the orange grove.
The little golden bees
are looking for honey.
Where will they find
the honey?
It's in the blue flower,
In the flower
of that rosemary yonder.
(A little chair of gold
for the Moor.
A chair of brass
for his wife.)
Dawn is awakening
in the orange grove.
Silly Song
I wish I were silver.
you'd be very cold.
I wish I were water.
you'd be very cold.
Embroider me on your pillow.
That I will!
Right away!
Butterfly air,
what beautiful you are,
butterfly air
gold and green.
Butterfly air,
stay there, there, there! …
You aren’t wanted to stop,
not want to stop.
Butterfly air
gold and green.
Light of streetlight,
Butterfly air,
stay there, there, there! …
Stay there!
Butterfly, are you there?

He was considerate as a wonderful poet in Spain. He was the last poet of Generation of 27, he won a National Prize of Literature in 1925 and Cervantes prize in 1983.
During the Civil War, he participated in Spanish politic and directed in several magazines with communist orientation.
Rafael Alberti was in exile 38 years. Later, on April 27th, 1977 he comes back to Spain. The first words when he goes down the plane were: “I went out with my closed hand and I return with my opened hand like a symbol of concordance between all of Spaniards”.
Some work:
· “13 bandas y 48 estrellas”
· “Con los zapatos puestos tengo que morir”.
· “El alba del alhelí.
· “La arboleda perdida”
· “Lo que canté y dije de Picasso”.
· “Marinero en Tierra”
· “Sobre los ángeles”
· “Cal y canto”
· “Sermones y Moradas”
· “A la pintura”
Dove was wrong .
It was wrong.
By going to the North, went to the South.
He believed that the wheat was water.
It was wrong.
He believed that the sea was heaven;
that night was the morning.
It was wrong.
That the stars were spray;
that the heat was the snowfall.
It was wrong.
That your skirt was your blouse;
that your heart was your home.
It was wrong.
(She fell asleep on the shore.
You, at the summit of a branch.)
Monday, 26 May 2008
(From 3rd to 9th April). SÓCRATES COMENIUS 1ST YEAR
We’ve analized the positive and negatives points of work and design the work we must make for the third term.
· Children don’t get the production of poetry, although in some levels they start to create poetry.
· Adapt the work to the classroom planning has been difficult because the curriculum is very large and the timetable is very complicate.
· Coordinate the work between the different cycles.
We agreed the following points:
· …Finish working either local or foreign authors for the third term.
· …Share materials (pictures, drawings, foreign authors) every cycle is going to study three different authors, one of each country.
· …Realize the next meeting in winter time. Probably, in December in Latvia.
· …Send biographies of authors to the other countries.
· …Put the biographies on the blog.
· …Deadline to finish the blog: 30th May. We must hang biographies, poems, activities, photos, videos, music…
· …Send the biographies by e-mail, sharing information.
· …Send by e-mail to the Greek partners in order to inform them before 18th April.
· … Design how to work the foreign countries for example relating the project with geography and culture.
· …Know the Spanish and canary poetry.
· …Awake the poetic creativity.