Tuesday, 10 June 2008
Monday, 9 June 2008
Lermontov, Mikhail Yuryevich (1814-1841)
Russian poet and novelist, whose eloquent works combine lyric romanticism with a passionate espousal of liberty. He was born in Moscow and educated at Moscow State University and a military school in Saint Petersburg. He became an officer of the guards, but his real interest was poetry. In 1837 he first gained recognition when he addressed to the czar an impassioned elegy called "On the Death of a Poet" as a protest against the death of the Russian poet Aleksandr Pushkin. In the poem Lermontov charged that the czar was suppressing freedom and art. As a result, Lermontov was exiled to the Caucasus. After his return in 1838, he published a collection of poems and wrote his famous autobiographical novel, A Hero of Our Time (1840; trans. 1886). Among his other well-known works are the narrative poems The Demon (1829-41; trans. 1930) and The Circassian Boy (1840; trans. 1875).
The sail
A lone white sail shows for an instant
Where gleams the sea, an azure streak.
What left it in its homeland distant?
In alien parts what does it seek?
The billows play, the mast bends, creaking,
The wind, impatient, moans and sighs...
It is not joy that it is seeking,
Nor is't from happiness it flies.
The blue waves dance, they dance and tremble,
The sun's bright rays caress the seas.
And yet for storm it begs, the rebel,
As if in storm lurked calm and peace!...
A lone white sail shows for an instant
Where gleams the sea, an azure streak.
What left it in its homeland distant?
In alien parts what does it seek?
The billows play, the mast bends, creaking,
The wind, impatient, moans and sighs...
It is not joy that it is seeking,
Nor is't from happiness it flies.
The blue waves dance, they dance and tremble,
The sun's bright rays caress the seas.
And yet for storm it begs, the rebel,
As if in storm lurked calm and peace!...
Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin (1895-1925)
was born in Konstantinovo in the Ryazan region of Russian Empire to a peasant family. He spent most of his childhood in his grandparents' home. He began to write poetry at the age of nine. In 1912, he moved to Moscow where he supported himself working as a proofreater in a printing company. The following year he enrolled in Moscow State University as an external student and studied there for a year and a half. His early poetry was inspired by Russian folklore. In 1915, he moved to St.Petersburg, where he became acquainted with fellow-poets Aleksander Blok, Sergei Gorodetsky, Nikolai Klyuev and Andrey Bely. It was in St. Petersburg that he became well known in literature circles.Aleksandr Blok was especially helpful in promoting Yesenin's early career as a poet. Yesenin said that Bely gave him the meaning of form while Blok and Klyuev taught him lyricism.
In 1915, Yesenin published his first book of poems, Radunitsa, soon followed by Ritual for the Dead (1916). Through his collections of poignant poetry about love and the simple life, he became one of the most popular poets of the day.In his poetry Yesenin knew how to express passionate love in his earth, nature, to people, but sensation of anxiety, expectation and disappointment are found there. Not long before his death Yesenin created the tragic poem “Black person”.
In 1915, Yesenin published his first book of poems, Radunitsa, soon followed by Ritual for the Dead (1916). Through his collections of poignant poetry about love and the simple life, he became one of the most popular poets of the day.In his poetry Yesenin knew how to express passionate love in his earth, nature, to people, but sensation of anxiety, expectation and disappointment are found there. Not long before his death Yesenin created the tragic poem “Black person”.
Good morning
Golden stars dozed off
The surface of the backwater became to tremble
Light glimmers on the water of the creek
And the horizon reddens.
Sleepy birches smiled
They rumpled their plaits
Green catkins are rustling
Silver dew is flashing.
Nettle that is close to the wattle-fence
Arrayed itself by the bright mother-of-pearl
And, rocking, whispers playfully
“Good morning”
Golden stars dozed off
The surface of the backwater became to tremble
Light glimmers on the water of the creek
And the horizon reddens.
Sleepy birches smiled
They rumpled their plaits
Green catkins are rustling
Silver dew is flashing.
Nettle that is close to the wattle-fence
Arrayed itself by the bright mother-of-pearl
And, rocking, whispers playfully
“Good morning”
Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev (1803-1873)
Tyutchev was significant Russian poets, one of the most outstanding representatives of philosophical and political lyric poetry. Tyutchev was born on December 5, 1803 on an estate 200 miles southwest of Moscow.
Fedor Tyutchev was born into a noble family of moderate wealth. He received excellent education at home and at Moscow University. At 12 he translated Horace and at 16 began writing verses. In those times the children of noblemen were supposed to serve in the army or make a civil career. Tyutchev chose diplomacy. He served in the Foreign Ministry and often went abroad on diplomatic missions, successfully combining civil duties and literary activities. Somehow he almost never got into trouble. People said that he had been born under a lucky star.
When he returned to Russian and once again joined St. Petersburg society, he began a more serious literary career. Tyutchev didn’t want people to know him as a poet. He didn’t take any part in a literary life. His first collection of poems appeared in St. Petersburg in 1854. Shaken by his mistresses death in 1864, Tyutchev wrote little in the following years, and in 1872 a stroke left him paralyzed. Over the next year other strokes followed, and he died on June 27, 1873.
Fedor Tyutchev was born into a noble family of moderate wealth. He received excellent education at home and at Moscow University. At 12 he translated Horace and at 16 began writing verses. In those times the children of noblemen were supposed to serve in the army or make a civil career. Tyutchev chose diplomacy. He served in the Foreign Ministry and often went abroad on diplomatic missions, successfully combining civil duties and literary activities. Somehow he almost never got into trouble. People said that he had been born under a lucky star.
When he returned to Russian and once again joined St. Petersburg society, he began a more serious literary career. Tyutchev didn’t want people to know him as a poet. He didn’t take any part in a literary life. His first collection of poems appeared in St. Petersburg in 1854. Shaken by his mistresses death in 1864, Tyutchev wrote little in the following years, and in 1872 a stroke left him paralyzed. Over the next year other strokes followed, and he died on June 27, 1873.
Пусть сосны и ели
Всю зиму торчат,
В снега и метели
Закутавшись, спят —
Их тощая зелень,
Как иглы ежа,
Хоть ввек не желтеет,
Но ввек не свежа.
Мы ж, легкое племя,
Цветем и блестим
И краткое время
На сучьях гостим.
Все красное лето
Мы были в красе —
Играли с лучами,
Купались в росе!..
Но птички отпели,
Цветы отцвели,
Лучи побледнели —
Зефиры ушли.
Так что же нам даром
Висеть и желтеть?
Не лучше ль за ними
И нам улететь!
О буйные ветры,
Скорее, скорей!
Скорей нас сорвите
С докучных ветвей,
Сорвите, умчите,
Мы ждать не хотим,
Летите, летите!
Мы с вами летим!..
Пусть сосны и ели
Всю зиму торчат,
В снега и метели
Закутавшись, спят —
Их тощая зелень,
Как иглы ежа,
Хоть ввек не желтеет,
Но ввек не свежа.
Мы ж, легкое племя,
Цветем и блестим
И краткое время
На сучьях гостим.
Все красное лето
Мы были в красе —
Играли с лучами,
Купались в росе!..
Но птички отпели,
Цветы отцвели,
Лучи побледнели —
Зефиры ушли.
Так что же нам даром
Висеть и желтеть?
Не лучше ль за ними
И нам улететь!
О буйные ветры,
Скорее, скорей!
Скорей нас сорвите
С докучных ветвей,
Сорвите, умчите,
Мы ждать не хотим,
Летите, летите!
Мы с вами летим!..
Kostas Kubilinskas (1923-1962)
Kostas Kubilinskas is one of the popular children's poets.
He was born on June 1, 1923 in the village Rudoje of Vilkavishkio region.
He studied at teacher’s seminary, and from 1946 till 1948 he was a student of Vilnius University and Vilnius pedagogical institute.
In the times of fascist occupation he published some anti-bolshevik verses and several poems because of which was excluded from the section of young writers in Vilnius in 1946. In 1948 Kostas Kubilinskas voluntarily turned in the MGB and was recruited.
His first verses were published in the children's periodical in 1938. Because of his magnificently managing Kostas Kubilinskas could give elegant form to any of his work.
Considering children's psychology Kostas Kubilinskas gave cognitive content to his playful children's poems. All his songs, games, riddles are rich of folk motives.
Kostas Kubilinskas’s creation is rich in bright plots, and we can notice alternation of comic and dramatic situations, moreover all characters have their own individualized speech.
His verses were translated into the Polish, Belarusian, Russian, Moldavian, Ukrainian and other languages.
Kostas Kubilinskas died in 1962 in the village Maleevka of Moscow region. He was buried in Vilnius.
A lot of mushrooms grew in the forest
Let’s go to the forest to pick them up.
Romas (a boy) found a boletus,
That was with a thick stem.
But who makes a lot of noise other there?
It’s Milda (a girl) found a lot of chanterelles.
But an angry orange-cap boletus came from under the moss
And said “Please, be more attentive and
pick up mushrooms carefully.
Please, don’t miss me.
A russula raised its head and asked not to pass it too,
It asked children to pick it up and put in the basket.
A cuckoo cuckoos Cuckoo
The sun sits down
All children hurry home
To cook tasty mushroom soup.
Kostas Kubilinskas
My little daughter steps and asks a lot of questions
Why are whiskers necessary to tomcat?
Why does rooster need a spur?
Why does a hare have a short tail?
Why do worms creep only underground?
What does the word WAR mean?
Where does the sun spend the night?
Why is the grandfather always angry?
Why is the granny always sad?
Why do roses blossom in the world?
Where does a butterfly fly?
Why does a candle burn out?
Little daughter asks questions so quickly
That her dad and mom have no time to answer all her questions.
He was born on June 1, 1923 in the village Rudoje of Vilkavishkio region.
He studied at teacher’s seminary, and from 1946 till 1948 he was a student of Vilnius University and Vilnius pedagogical institute.
In the times of fascist occupation he published some anti-bolshevik verses and several poems because of which was excluded from the section of young writers in Vilnius in 1946. In 1948 Kostas Kubilinskas voluntarily turned in the MGB and was recruited.
His first verses were published in the children's periodical in 1938. Because of his magnificently managing Kostas Kubilinskas could give elegant form to any of his work.
Considering children's psychology Kostas Kubilinskas gave cognitive content to his playful children's poems. All his songs, games, riddles are rich of folk motives.
Kostas Kubilinskas’s creation is rich in bright plots, and we can notice alternation of comic and dramatic situations, moreover all characters have their own individualized speech.
His verses were translated into the Polish, Belarusian, Russian, Moldavian, Ukrainian and other languages.
Kostas Kubilinskas died in 1962 in the village Maleevka of Moscow region. He was buried in Vilnius.
A lot of mushrooms grew in the forest
Let’s go to the forest to pick them up.
Romas (a boy) found a boletus,
That was with a thick stem.
But who makes a lot of noise other there?
It’s Milda (a girl) found a lot of chanterelles.
But an angry orange-cap boletus came from under the moss
And said “Please, be more attentive and
pick up mushrooms carefully.
Please, don’t miss me.
A russula raised its head and asked not to pass it too,
It asked children to pick it up and put in the basket.
A cuckoo cuckoos Cuckoo
The sun sits down
All children hurry home
To cook tasty mushroom soup.
Kostas Kubilinskas
My little daughter steps and asks a lot of questions
Why are whiskers necessary to tomcat?
Why does rooster need a spur?
Why does a hare have a short tail?
Why do worms creep only underground?
What does the word WAR mean?
Where does the sun spend the night?
Why is the grandfather always angry?
Why is the granny always sad?
Why do roses blossom in the world?
Where does a butterfly fly?
Why does a candle burn out?
Little daughter asks questions so quickly
That her dad and mom have no time to answer all her questions.
Violeta Palcinskaite

Poetess and the dramatist.
She was born on the 20th of November 1943 in Kaunas. From 1960 till 1964 she studied at the Vilnius University at the historic-philological department. She published her first collection of the verses at the age of 17 years. She devotes the greatest part of her poetry to the young readers and spectators.
Poetess has translated British folklore tales for children and poems of many well-known writers such as R.Dahl. L.Snickt, J..Wilson from the English language
She has obtained many various state awards.
In 1982 at the international festival of children's and youthful films in Italy the film, which was put under the script written by poetess, was rewarded with the gold medal.
In 1988 the surname of poetess was introduced into the honourable book of the International Council of the youth book (IBBY).
The creation of poetess is playful, with the elements of fairy tale, stylistically easy to read, smooth and bright sometimes transmitting thin grief and romantic mood.
Many verses are originally beautiful and express children's happiness, light and limitless searches for kindness.
Today the poetess does not write new verses, and all that is written earlier, finds a place in various magazines, books and in textbooks for a primary school
Violeta Palcinskaite
Uncle Sleep arrives
When no one sleeps in the city.
Did you get tired? I am coming
And I will give out sleeps to all.
Some children will get colored sleeps, some colorless
I will give it to you as a pillow
Did you get tired? I am coming
I will get out stars.
When all got tired
Uncle sleep screws up his eyes
Did you get tired? I will give out
Many sweet sleeps.
She was born on the 20th of November 1943 in Kaunas. From 1960 till 1964 she studied at the Vilnius University at the historic-philological department. She published her first collection of the verses at the age of 17 years. She devotes the greatest part of her poetry to the young readers and spectators.
Poetess has translated British folklore tales for children and poems of many well-known writers such as R.Dahl. L.Snickt, J..Wilson from the English language
She has obtained many various state awards.
In 1982 at the international festival of children's and youthful films in Italy the film, which was put under the script written by poetess, was rewarded with the gold medal.
In 1988 the surname of poetess was introduced into the honourable book of the International Council of the youth book (IBBY).
The creation of poetess is playful, with the elements of fairy tale, stylistically easy to read, smooth and bright sometimes transmitting thin grief and romantic mood.
Many verses are originally beautiful and express children's happiness, light and limitless searches for kindness.
Today the poetess does not write new verses, and all that is written earlier, finds a place in various magazines, books and in textbooks for a primary school
Violeta Palcinskaite
Uncle Sleep arrives
When no one sleeps in the city.
Did you get tired? I am coming
And I will give out sleeps to all.
Some children will get colored sleeps, some colorless
I will give it to you as a pillow
Did you get tired? I am coming
I will get out stars.
When all got tired
Uncle sleep screws up his eyes
Did you get tired? I will give out
Many sweet sleeps.
Violeta Palcinskaite
The child's carriage was stuck in a corner
Dreaming to be a steam locomotive.
“If I had a steam engine
I Could go by rail”
Having heard this news with pure envy
Pig-coin box has fallen from the wardrobe
And scattered a handful of coins in the room
And old clock has become very angry.....
And a needle has got a heart attack
That it has thrust in an old cap.
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